Sharon Cuneta With Apo Hiking Society in "Ryan Ryan Musikahan" (1988)

Ryan Cayabyab @ryancayabyab: I chanced upon Ryan Ryan Musikahan on Jeepney TV tonight. Guests were a very young and agile voiced Sharon and equally young APO! Ang saya!

Ryan Cayabyab @ryancayabyab: I wonder who did the 'classical' arrangement of Salawikain sung by the APO. Nakakatuwa. We don't hear those kinds of areglos lately.

Ryan Cayabyab @ryancayabyab: Since I only caught the last part, I only heard Sharon's rendition of Stormy Weather. I bet none of the young listeners know that song.

Ryan Cayabyab @ryancayabyab: That episode was definitely the 1st season of Ryan Ryan Musikahan, in 1988. Writer was Jim Paredes while director was Leo Rialp.
